Weight conversions:
Calculate your body fat

Weight conversions are a simple calculation which result indicate the percentage of your body fat.
The conversions are done for you, through the Body Mass Index(BMI) calculator
which is based on your gender, age, height and weight.

Body mass index chart and results are easy to understand:

If for instance your BMI is below 20: It indicates a lean BMI therefore, meaning that you have a low amount of body fat. It is often the case found in athletes. And if you are below 20 and that you are not an athlete, it may indicate that your weight is too low. This may result in a weak immune system.

If your body mass and body weight are low, you should consider gaining weight through good diet and exercise habits, to increase your muscle mass.

Simply use the tool below to effectively measure your body fat based on height and weight that applies to both men and women between the ages of 18 and 65 years. BMI converts your weight into an indicator of you being overweight, obese or underweight.

[Via: BMICalculator.org BMI Calculator]

Less than 1 Percent of Human Obesity Due to Genetics

Large-scale genome-wide association studies have identified 12 genetic loci that are robustly associated with body mass index (BMI).

However, effect sizes of the risk alleles were very small, ranging between 0.058 and 0.329 for BMI and between 0.094 and 0.866 kg for weight. On average, each additional risk allele was associated with an increase of 0.149 in BMI.

All of the genetic loci combined explained just 0.9 percent of BMI variation. Their predictive value for obesity risk is limited. Sources: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition October 7, 2009; 91: 184-190

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