How Long Does Menopause Last?

How long does menopause last?
What is the menopause age?
What are the signs of menopause?

The answers to these most common concerns are highly individual.

This event in a woman’s life can occur in her forties or her sixties but most commonly, the change takes place when a woman is in her early fifties.

Women in their 40s and 50s commonly experience hot flashes, mood swings or other menopause-like symptoms (see list below). You can confirm that you are entering menopause with a simple home test. It’s easy. You place a few drops of urine on a test strip bought at the drug store. The test measures levels of follicle-stimulating hormone and indicates whether you have entered menopause. Home test manufacturers advise women to repeat the test every six to 12 months when the symptoms of menopause occur.

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Cold flashes, clammy feeling, chills
  • Bouts of rapid heart beat
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings, sudden tears
  • Trouble sleeping through the night (with or without night sweats)
  • Irregular periods; shorter, lighter periods; heavier periods, flooding; phantom periods, shorter cycles, longer cycles
  • Skipped periods (amenorrhea)
  • Loss of libido, Loss of sex drive
  • Dry Vagina
  • Pain during sex
  • Atrophic vaginitis may often be misdiagnosed as a yeast infection.
  • Color change in vaginal area (color gets darker - dark red to purplish)
  • Crashing Fatigue - Chronic Fatigue (CFS)
  • Anxiety, feeling ill at ease
  • Feelings of dread, apprehension, doom
  • Difficulty concentrating, disorientation, mental confusion
  • Disturbing memory lapses
  • Incontinence (Upon sneezing, laughing, coughing, standing; urge incontinence)
  • Prolapse (prolapse sensation) of uterus (due to rapid decrease in estrogen levels)
  • Itchy, crawly skin
  • Aching, sore joints, muscles and tendons
  • Increased tension in muscles, often diagnosed as Fibromyalgia
  • Breast tenderness
  • Decrease in breast mass
  • Decrease in vulva mass, decrease in clitoris size
  • Headache change: increase or decrease
  • Gastrointestinal distress, indigestion, flatulence, gas pain, nausea Often diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Sudden bouts of bloat
  • Depression
  • Exacerbation of existing conditions
  • Allergies developing or increasing - (Chronic sinusitis)
  • Nasal Infections-necessitating repeated courses of antibiotics
  • Weight gain
  • Hair loss or thinning, head, pubic, or whole body
  • Increase in facial hair
  • Dizziness, light-headedness, episodes of loss of balance
  • Changes in body odor
  • Electric shock or stabbing sensation under the skin
  • Tingling in the extremities (feet,hands, arms, legs)
  • Gum problems, increased bleeding
  • Burning tongue, burning roof of mouth
  • Change in breath odor, bad taste in mouth
  • Changes in fingernails: softer, crack or break easier
  • How long does menopause last with these symptoms? There is no absolute common rule that applies to all women. Again, the answer is as individual as you are.

    Your 7-Minute Guide to Natural Menopause Survival

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    How Long Does Menopause Last?

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